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On Road // Off Road // On Bikes




‘Ride as much or as little, or as long or as short as you feel. But ride’. Eddy Merckx.


Bikelife is brought to you by Charlie Evans and provides personalised coaching support to both novice and experienced riders alike. Bikelife has the aim of enabling you to be a real bike rider with a real life. With Bikelife you will learn and understand what works for you and how to make the most of your cycling. With post-graduate sport and exercise science qualifications, Charlie worked as technical lead for British Cycling’s Coach Education Programme. For over 8 years, throughout cycling’s Olympic golden age, his role has involved working closely with coaches, riders and support staff from the Great Britain Cycling Team to design and produce innovative coach training courses and resources.


Charlie has demonstrable coaching success with riders across regional, national and international performances, as well as coaching BBC presenters for both radio and television shows, including two Blue Peter cycling challenges. International coaching duties include working for the UCI, most recently leading a 10-day training camp and operating as Team Manager at the 2017 European MTB Championships in Italy. 


Charlie’s coaching experience is underpinned by over 20 years as a competitive rider, both on road and off road. This diverse experience informs the Bikelife philosophy, encapsulated by this quote from a cycling champion:


‘Cycling isn’t only about watts, power and strength on the climbs. You’ve got to be able to ride your bike’. Vincenzo Nibali.


Of course, it is important to be fit and strong and to be able to measure physical progression… however for enjoyment, safety and of course, going quicker for less effort, Vincenzo is right – you need to be able to ride your bike. Bikelife aims to ensure that the bike riders it supports are not just physically developed, but also technically and tactically complete too. 



Clearly, your coaching needs will vary throughout the year and evolve as your riding develops. A rider new to cycling may benefit from regular and frequent support over a relatively short, concentrated period, so they can gain confidence and so enjoy their cycling more. An experienced rider may however benefit from meeting periodically to discuss their training and evaluate performance in order to maintain focus. Others may require detailed and specific training guidance as they work towards a specific target event.


Certainly, whether you need a sounding board or specific guidance, Bikelife can provide you with support to help you achieve your goals.



Pay-as-you-go sessions for training and racing advice, planning and guidance

£55 per session

Mentored, ongoing support, with a tailored plan and regular coaching sessions

From £120 per month

Contact me for availability


Jack Humphreys

James Bailey

Alex Stock


To arrange a coaching plan or just a chat about how I can help you improve your Bikelife, get in touch via the details below



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